“The man took Jesus at his word,” John 4:50.
There were plenty of signs and wonders Jesus was exercising around this Father who had asked Jesus to come to his home to heal his son.
“Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe,” John 4:48.
So often, we need to open our eyes and see what God is doing around us. We should take God at His word and not be forcing Him into doing miracles for us. And we shouldn’t seek them to strengthen our faith.
What has Jesus done in our lives – remember. “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed,” John 20:29.
This royal officer, after Jesus’ words to him about seeking signs and wonders, still begged. “Sir, come down before my child dies,” John 4:49. He called the Messiah, Sir. His faith not yet rooted in understanding Jesus as the Messiah and image of God in the flesh, come to redeem.
“Go,” Jesus replied, “Your son will live,” John 4:50.
Later, we read through this interaction with Christ that this man believed, he and his whole household. (John 4:53). “He took Jesus at His Word” – no longer begged and believed. This action is faith. He took God at His Word and acted accordingly. This man didn’t badger Christ anymore but departed in faith, and the miracle occurred at the exact time that he did!

I fear today, so many are not taking Jesus at His word but rather seeking miracles, the spectacular, the show, the marvel. Faith is quiet, it believes in God’s Word, and it expects what Jesus promises. I encouraged you today, remember the promises of God, and through them, you will partake in the divine nature of God. Isn’t that what it’s all about, our transformation, not the spectacular. It’s so often a trap.
Signs and wonders occur so that we will believe, but after we have believed, we shouldn’t be seeking their glory but Christ’s.
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
2 Peter 1:4
I took Jesus at His word, and it’s how I escaped demon possession and much trickery set against me. It was an impossible escape, accept by faith in Christ, I won. Today, it’s still the way I live, by trusting in Jesus and putting all my weight and faith on His Word. I had many miracles that Jesus used to help me understand and believe in the gospel. But it was through faith that they occurred and not by me seeking them.
Before this Father’s encounter with Jesus, the event that took place before – was of a woman meeting Jesus at a commonplace, a well. (John 4:1-42). There were no miracles. Yet, this lady believed Jesus’ words spoken to her as a prophet, and then finally as the Messiah. Her belief came from her encounter with the Truth. Jesus’ words cut deep into her heart, and He saw all that she was as a person. (“A Soul’s Worth,” the title song from A Soul’s Worth album.)
Jesus wants to have an intimate and personal relationship with us. It’s based not on miracles but trust and the truth and abiding.