Transcript of a video message of Josephine teaching on Luke 13 in the Sequoia Redwood National Park.
Part 2 – Belief Starts with Repentance
Opening Song – “Stuck” by Josephine Mary Schmidt
“Right in the middle of my heart, You set Your love in me.
Right in the middle of my life, You let Your anchor down deep through me.
I hold onto the faith You gave me. You showed me You died on the cross, but You’ve risen victoriously.”
We’ve moved locations because you can see that this big tree has come to destruction. And that’s one of the points I wanted to make. Even though this tree behind, the one I was standing in front of before is probably over a thousand years old – and that’s a long time, that’s like ten times a person’s, actually more; eleven times someone’s lifespan. Unless some tragedy comes to you, which happens to many people. You know, we have an end. Jesus has come. God has made a way to come to Him and bear fruit that’s pleasing to Him. And if we don’t, Jesus is warning, we will be cut down. It’s something that we don’t think will happen. But this tree came to an end.
So, I want to continue on in Luke Chapter 13, which was what I was in before, and remember the key verse; fourteen – “unless you repent, you too will perish.” And that’s the point, isn’t it – perishing? Everything’s good today, but people have Covid-19 and then, that’s it, they died, and it was unexpected. People have car accidents, plane accidents, evil happens to them; they are murdered. Things happen! This is not a perfect world. And God doesn’t want that to be a tragic end to us. He wants us to come to repentance. That’s the point – it doesn’t really matter in the end how you perish. The point is you perish. That’s what saddens God, that’s why He sent Jesus, His Son.
So, Jesus goes on after He gives those two parables about the tree and the yeast, He says, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.” – Luke 13:24. These are Jesus’ words. They are not mine. I’m not passing judgement on people. This is what He is saying, and they are not able to because they are not bearing the fruit that God wants because He sent His Son to die for our sins and give us new life in Him.
Jesus is pleading for us, remember. He says, “Give it a year. I’ll dig around it. I’ll fertilize it, and if not, if it doesn’t bear fruit, then cut it down.” (Paraphrased)
I’m really wanting to encourage you – know the Word of God, yourself. Have a very strong relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s what we need. Make every effort, be clean, to be found worthy. Belief starts by repenting. But then we have to do works worthy of that repentance – John the Baptist – that was his message. And then Jesus came and taught the lessons on how to be clean, how to be living with the blessings of God. Taking the Word of God to heart and applying them in our lives. But it does start with a new beginning – us deciding that God’s way is right and it’s going to bless.
I remember when I realized; I had a terrible tragedy happen to me. And I actually became demon-possessed by a very wicked man who had come into my life, pretending to be my music-manager. Because I was desperate to understand life. I was so dissatisfied, and I cried out to know the meaning of life and this man entered my life to deceive me. And before that, I was caught in hypocritical religion, and I suffer for forty years, crippled by Satan in a false Christianity, a Lutheranism that told me that I was saved because I was baptized as an infant. I never heard that I needed to repent, and live the life that Jesus was teaching. Never was told that, never heard the gospel. And I was crippled and suffered for forty years. I couldn’t straighten up. I couldn’t get the beauty of life, the strength to overcome the Devil, and this evil man came into my life because he was sent by the Devil. He wanted to stop me receiving what I had wanted since a child. A came to church wanting to worship Jesus. I actually wanted to worship Jesus Christ as a little girl. But I was crippled.
No one ever told me the gospel. That’s the point too; God wants us to learn and grow and then teach others, so they can find their shelter in our lives, in our words, in our messages. That’s what He wants. And Jesus was so angry at those hypocrites. They cared more about their possessions and assets. Do you care more about your life, and your house, and your well-being than someone’s eternal salvation? Surely, the answer is no. Care about people’s souls, their eternity that they wouldn’t perish, and a tragedy is their end-measure. I remember so well thinking this is my lot, this is how end, and it was tragic, and it was so unfair, and unjust, and it was not what I asked for. I’d asked to understand the meaning of life.
But Jesus is saying – “make every effort to enter through the narrow gate” because He will deny all evil. Anything not pleasing to the Father will not be allowed into heaven. People may have a form of Christianity. I did, for forty years, but it’s not correct, wasn’t producing the fruit. That only comes from Jesus digging around and cutting off, and then fertilizing and we, feeding on the Word of God. He said, “I am the Bread of Life.”
As we were driving up, this is called, “King’s Canyon.” I don’t actually think we are in King’s Canyon at the moment. But we drove up here into King’s Canyon, and I thought, “Isn’t that funny King’s Canyon; Jesus is called King of Kings, Lord of Lords,” and I sing that at the end of one of my songs called, “Stuck” that we did a video message for, right here. And I looked up the word, “canyon,” it’s a gorge where usually a river is found. Jesus came to give Living Waters. The King of Kings. The Lord of Lords. That we would be free from Satan’s crippling in our lives. And he cripples people, and they bend over, and they are burdened. Many people want to worship Jesus. They want to worship God. But there’s hypocrites around them, telling them false, a false Christianity, and their lives are representing the picture of a mustard seed that’s been planted by God, and it’s grown, and there’s people getting relief from their lives. They are coming and perching themselves in their lives, and what they are doing.
In Luke Chapter 13, verse 24 when Jesus talks about – “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.” He’s talking about those who are doing evil. They say, “Lord, Lord,” but He doesn’t know them. They haven’t fed on the Word of God. And He talks about a place where there is weeping of gnashing of teeth. This is where the people are going to go. And it’s a place made for the Devil, not for people. God wants no one to perish, but all to come to repentance. I remember the gnashing of teeth when I was demon-possessed. It was so horrendous. It was so painful in a way, I can’t explain. It’s not a physical pain, but a spiritual anguish; your soul, you can’t explain, but the gnashing of teeth gives a good description. It’s so painful; I just remember that.
And Jesus heard me cry. He came and met me; a woman bound by evil spirits. A woman bent over and crippled, unable to straighten herself up. Unable to find the words of life because of the hypocrites in the church I belonged to, unable. But Jesus, Himself taught me. And that’s our message today. He teaches us, He fertilizes us. We are to be the picture of the kingdom of God.
So, I was listening to a song on the way up by “The Neverclaim’s.” And I’m probably going to mess the lyrics up. But basically, he was saying that Jesus is able to bring new life. He’s certainly given me new life. I’m like, well actually, I’m greater than that tree, (Josephine points to the huge sequoia redwood that has fallen and is broken on the ground behind her). I’m not going to have destruction come to me. And I have a song called, “Stay Free” – “stay free, stay free, stay free in Jesus,” (Chorus Lyrics). We filed a video clip up here in the Sequoia Redwood National Park. “Your glory fills my heart, your truth has set me free, stay free, stay free in Jesus,” (Verse Lyrics).
Jesus wasn’t welcomed in the synagogues. He wasn’t welcomed, and He’s so not welcomed in many places. He has new life for us, and it’s very different from who we were. It is possible to have the love of God in you. It’s possible for to have a new life in Him. And I want to end my message today with 1 Peter 5:8, and I want you to think about who are you listening to? Who are the leaders that you are listening to in the church? Are they bearing the fruit that our Heavenly Father wants? That Jesus enabling them to bear? I’m not challenging anyone, but I think it’s important to point out that in the last days there are false prophets and there are false teachers – Jesus warned that, and you would know a tree by its fruit (Matthew 7:15-16).
This isn’t a righteousness of our own, this is being fed by Jesus, and taking it up. It’s His work in us, but we make every effort to enter in. Not take for granted the food that God has for us. Learn the Word of God and this Scripture 1 Peter 5:8, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
And then it will continue, “Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings” (1 Peter 5:9).
The same kind of suffering, all over the world, the Devil’s bringing that in people. But we stand strong, we stand firm in our faith. There’s no easy path to heaven’s door, but we have a great advocate. We have a great friend who’s feeding us, and we must listen and put His words into action. We don’t want to tree that’s in threat of being cut down. We don’t a tree that comes to destruction. These redwoods are amazing, and they have stories to tell, I’m sure. They’ve withstood massive fires, but they will come to an end. All of this will come to an end. So, unless you repent, Jesus said, you too will perish. Beliefs starts here, the new life starts here. So, I hope this is an encouragement to you today.
Ends with song, “Stuck,” playing –
“Oh, You’re the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the great and mighty One.
You hold me tight.
I wrap my arms around Your love, and together, we shine so bright.
I’m stuck in the middle of this love.”
Transcript from Josephine Mary Schmidt’s teaching video message called, “Belief Starts with Repentance – Part 2.
©Josephine Mary Schmidt

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