When we think, at this time, of how God sent His Son, calling Him Jesus, may we meditate on Christ’s mercy.
“Great and Merciful God” was written soon after my deliverance from great darkness and the trickery of evil people. God’s mercy in Christ Jesus was so powerful, His love solid grace to forgive and revive, restore the soul, and give new life and victory over my enemies. It’s the reason why Christ came into this dark world as the light to rescue us from the ruler of the kingdom of darkness and bring us into the kingdom of the Son he loves (Colossians 1:13). The song, “Great and Merciful God” will be released in the new year.
I pray as you meditate, not on the twinkling beauty of lights and tinsel and shining tree – but Christ – fully man, and fully God to walk amongst us and teach us His ways and godliness. I pray we teach our children the true meaning of “Christmas.” The story we tell from our hearts, the Bible, and a life lived to please our Savior, friend, and Heavenly Father.
May we remember, in clarity, that we were lost but now found. That we were a people that had not received mercy, but now we have received mercy. (1 Peter 2:10).
My enemies were so confident that they could keep the love of God in Christ Jesus away from me. They had confidence in their trickery and evil to win over my soul and life. But Christ’s love in Jesus and His hope can’t be cut off. May we speak of it, rejoice in it, and share Jesus and His truth and gospel with everyone.
Christ Jesus is the light above our tree, and we, the many lights shining and proclaiming His life given for all to believe in and find their peace and rest in Jesus.
Let’s be Christ’s Christmas tree this year and the next.

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