Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
I was profoundly blessed yesterday morning, on the 26th December, as I re-read the account of the wise men in Matthew 2:1-16 and learned again, the wise are the ones who persevere. The wise men’s journey to see the Messiah continued long after the celebration of His birth had occurred. I wanted to share my thoughts because Christmas might be over for so many people. But for a Christian, the pursuit of worshiping the Messiah face to face, continues, long after others have finished celebrating Christmas as a Festival. The wise men continued to follow the star, long after Christ’s brith that eventually led them to worship Jesus face to face. This is our journey! We are to be wise. Our day to day lives should be in this pursuit. That after our journey here in this dark world, we will reach our destination.
Remember, God, the Father, kept showing the wise me the star, leading them the way they should go to their success. And we have the Holy Spirit. Jesus said to His disciples in John Chapter 14 that they knew the way to where He was going, which was to return to the Father in heaven. Do you know that way? The way of following Jesus through the dark night of this world until you reach your Heavenly FAther’s destination for you – to worship Jesus face to face? I hope so. And it’s a long journey.
According to Matthew 2:16, it took these wise men anywhere up to two years. They arrived at the stable long after the excitement of “Christmas” was over. The world’s passion to know truth and the Savior whose reason for coming to this world was to reveal truth, is fading fast. The wise will continue on their journey, regardless of these fading passions of others to see their Messiah, Jesus face to face, and worshiping at His feet – blameless and pure before Him.
When investigating the star that the Wise Men followed, I discovered it was the worthless prophet Balaam, who disobeyed God’s message who prophesized about “a star that will come out of Jacob” (Numbers 24:17). A Savior, the scepter of God who would crush our enemies. Balaam had intended to curse God’s people, but the victorious hand of God didn’t allow this to happen. It’s a bit like Judas. He betrayed the Lord Jesus for money. But it did not hinder God’s plan in the offering of a Savior for the world’s sins. No one can stop God’s plans. It’s a wonderful things to remember in persecution and hardships. The word of God will stand forever. We can believe every promise it holds.
The prophet tried to curse God’s people for money. Herod tried to murder the child that had come into the world to save people from their sins. There is much opposition to Christ. When praying about all of this, the Lord led me to read Colossians 4:3, a verse in Paul’s letter written in prison for his faith and service to Christ Jesus. Colossians 4:3 – “And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.”
Our mission is to proclaim Christ, and our lives should reflect that proclamation.
Let us keep praising the Lord Jesus in truth and praying for the harvest and an effective door to preach the gospel. The Wise Men knew the times, they saw the star that was prophesized long ago. And they were prepared to travel long distances, and over a long period of time until they were able to worship their King face to face. It’s an opportunity we all have. But we must be ready for the hardships and the difficulties it holds.