While in the hair salon, waiting for my appointment, I gazed around at the items for sale, SHOCKED at what I found. I took a photograph because I wanted to write a post. Before my eyes was a necklace with the number “666” with the interpretation below: – “Angel Numbers – 666: Reflect: Look deep for your higher truth.”
As Christians, we know what this number represents, and it takes wisdom from God to understand.

On the drive home with Leo, I saw another sign, blazing as a banner across the front of a church building, that read, “Trick or Treat.” It’s that time of year, Halloween, and I am shocked, yet again this year, that Christian organizations are leading the community astray! And by doing so, are advertising their ignorance and lack of no power.
The Devil, I’m sure, is laughing!

We must remember that if we are born-again Christians, filled with the Spirit of God and Christ, He has called us out of the kingdom of darkness. The realm of “ghosts and spirits,” which are actually demons, evil spirits; fallen angels that left God’s heaven and became part of Satan’s rebellion, and Anti-Christ’s power. It isn’t a fantasy. We have an adversary, the Devil, whose army of evil spirits and demons have the world fooled. But can we be ignorant? Or play this down?
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9 NIV).
Every year, Christians dress up or go to trick-and-treat “family” events at churches, so they have a safe place to celebrate this festival, Halloween, saying, “It’s just a bit of fun!”
It leaves a confusing message in our communities.

Let us be a Voice in the Wilderness crying out!
Behind these myths and legends hides a very real adversary that Jesus Christ defeated on the cross for us to stand and run free! Let us be a voice in the wilderness, crying out, “Make straight paths for the Lord” (Mark 1:3/Isaiah 40:4), and not a confusing message.
As a demon possessed person who praises Jesus for calling me out, I am not ashamed of the gospel that frees! Satan has the whole world deceived; let us not join in the deception!
“The righteous are as bold as lions!” (Proverbs 28:1).
When I first came to this country, I was not prepared for Halloween and was shocked that Christians wanted to join in with this celebration of ghosts, spirits, and death, as if nonconsequential, and do something they considered “safe and harmless,” as not to miss out! Is there such a thing in the kingdom of darkness and death and the spirits of the dead?
Let us not be ignorant but show our power and knowledge!
Don’t you know it isn’t a fantasy to be called out of the kingdom of darkness? Yet Christians are behaving as if it never happened to them!
Let us not be ignorant but go on to better things, not snared by these things but spreading the gospel as we should with power and belief – our savior and Jesus who rose from the dead to make a public spectacle of these spirits and has called us out! Halloween isn’t a time to celebrate but declare!