The Washing Basket
I went to do my husband’s washing and grabbed the basket from his closed, and thought, “Some things just last!” I’ve had this cane wash basket for years and years. At one time, it belonged to my eldest daughter when a small child. I’ve kept it and still using it.
We are to be useful to the Lord Jesus. It’s our purpose to serve Him for people in His Kingdom. The Bible says we are to keep ourselves clean, ready, fit for His service. Everything we do should be with an attitude of kindness and serving others for the name and glory of Christ Jesus.
Hebrews 6:7-8 – Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end, it will be burned
We are given the grace of God through Jesus Christ, rain falling on us. And it is to produce a something for others, and in doing so, we will receive God’s blessing.
I desperately needed to know my purpose. I tried to find it, obtain it myself, in drawing and art, pottery, and as a singer-songwriter and performer. But my efforts disappointed me. I had no lasting satisfaction in the works of my hands.
But when I came to Christ, Jesus made known to me, His purpose. He showed me why I had a love for these things. It was to glorify Him and serve others with them – do all for the glory of Christ. Nothing we do for Him is ever in vain. I have a rich satisfaction inside of me because I know my purpose in Christ, and see Jesus helping me fulfill it as I trust Him and are diligent with my days. My songwriting is for Him, my singing, my art, and when I teach the Word as a teacher, it’s for Him to help others know Him.
Jesus created my purpose, He gave me the tools and gifts, and set me on my way. It’s up to me if I fulfill my calling. Colossians 4:7 – Tell Archippus: “See to it that you complete the ministry you have received in the Lord.” Jesus is with me; we are doing this fulfilling together. But ultimately, it is up to me to choose to serve Him willingly. I know, at times, I’ve felt entirely unworthy, unable, and fearful. But it is in lowliness that we serve just like this humble wash basket. I look at it with pleasure, I haven’t thrown it away, and I even brought it to the United States from Australia!
Hebrews Chapter 6 and Verses 5 and 6 are the mark of a Christian – useful. I haven’t thrown away my basket, and the Lord holds dear and precious His servants.

This message of usefulness, is what The Pottery Shed is all about. Join me as I explain the great Potter, God, and us, His clay and the Word of God.