– Josephine Mary Schmidt

There is a coming, a storm so great
A storm so great, who can stand
There is coming, a flood so high
A flood so high, who can rise above
But You have sent Your only Son
That none should perish, no not one
Just, only to believe and rest one’s life in
Your loving, faithful, wondrous hands
There is a place soon to be open
No eye has seen, and no heart has planned
There is joy, never to be ending, never to be ending
Joy so exceeding
The door is open for all to come
Come and behold His wondrous home
All because Your heart so wants to
Your heart so desires to embrace each one
© Josephine Mary Schmidt
Music Video
“There is a Coming” video clip was filmed in San Diego, California, by Oceanship beach and jetty. The final scenes in the video were shot in my studio in Leo and my first rental home after the Lord Jesus asked us to sell our belongings and property in Australia and moved here in 2008.
Story Behind the Praise
Unspeakable joy, far exceeding anything here, is the joy promised in a relationship with Jesus Christ as our Lord. “The door is open for all to come, come and behold, His wondrous home.” God is holy in heaven, and through the gospel and Christ’s death on the cross, the price was paid for our ransom out of death, the penalty for sin. Death desires us – to claim us! But God’s redeeming love opens the door to His home, welcoming us when we are willing to come and listen to the Savior’s Voice above our own or anything else. Jesus holds the keys. The Savior who rose from the dead to make the way possible for us – if only we believe in Him.
I decided to sing this song, acapella, and not write any music to accomplish the lyrics. It is how the Lord Jesus gave it to me, and I thought it better not to clutter these profound words or distract from this truth and hope we have in Jesus.
Nothing at the moment!
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