Today, I have a nesting dove outside my kitchen window. She’s decided my pottery pot is a good place for her eggs. When I see here there, I think of God’s peace given to us through our relationship with Jesus. Peace is a precious thing few own. Not like a peace that we can’t, at times, understand how we possibly could be peaceful in our circumstances or situation. But that’s God’s peace that transcends all understanding – the goodness of God to be your friend and keeper.
I hope you know Christ. Not just as the person Christians celebrate as dying on a cross. But the Savior for all people. This little mother dove is going to lay down her life for the next two weeks, almost starve to hatch those tiny chicks inside her two eggs. Jesus laid down His life. Paid the ultimate cost by giving up His life for us to be free from sin and taken out of the darkness of not knowing Him. No one thinks about their need to have their sins forgiven until they realize the need. We can’t enter ourselves into holy heaven; we need a sacred Savior, the sinless Lamb, slain to wash us clean and give us entry through our relationship with Him.
Just like this sweet dove will feed and train her baby chicks, Jesus wants us to learn and grow as God’s children in our knowledge and friendship with Him.

It’s kind of thrilling that this dove has chosen my hand-thrown pottery pot as the perfect place to put her precious eggs! If you know Him, Jesus has decided to trust You with the knowledge of Him to others. Many people this Easter will go to church who otherwise might not usually go. I pray this Easter is like any other ordinary day where you are thinking about and praying how God might use you. We are pots in His hands – God the Potter, we, His clay. We can either use our life for something precious like the gospel of Jesus Christ that brings life to others like this little dove and her eggs. Or we can spend our time thinking mainly about ourselves and how we can get the best deal out of life for our gain and profit. Jesus laid down His life. Isn’t it natural that He would say that we are to lose our life for Him and the gospel to find it?
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