Recently, I accompanied Leo to Scottsbluff in Nebraska, USA. He needed to fix a cold head on an MRI medical machine. I went because I still have my foot in my air cast boot after shattering my big toe. When we arrived in Denver, we planned to drive the 3 ½ hours to Scottsbluff, Nebraska, in the morning. But our booked hotel room messed us up. And we both felt the Lord Jesus wanted us to drive that night, despite the cold, icy, unfamiliar roads.
We had this glorious full moon making the journey easier that lit our path. And we saw this superb nativity scene outside a church, which caused us to make a U-turn, turnaround to take it in and take this photo! It did encourage us; though no one saw us, no one knew how blessed and encouraged we felt!
Leo and I were driving on unfamiliar roads to a place we had never been. But God gave us the company of this glorious full moon, making the journey easier on the dark, cold roads. We saw this message of truth shining brightly, reminding us of God’s love in sending Jesus and that Christ was now with us, leading us to make this journey safely tonight as we trusted His leading to drive.
“You are the light of the world,” Jesus said these words to those gathered, listening to His teachings. Has Jesus taught you? Are you walking to what you’ve obtained and learned from Him? Or have you shrunk back? Have you stopped remembering? Have you allowed a distraction or another example to turn you away from the purity of this instruction?
Even if no one is looking, or if you don’t know if someone is being affected, we must walk worthy to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross to save us and redeem us from death and destruction. No one saw us that night; no one that we know of, except our Heavenly Father, who had given us the full moon and led us this way during the night to see that Nativity scene shining brightly. The people who had put it there didn’t know how much comfort it gave us. We are passing people all the time on this journey of life, and often, we don’t see what our example is doing.
Leo and I were blessed on our travels in a faraway land and place very different from San Diego. The moon reflects the sun, and God has sent His Son, and I hope this encourages you to shine His likeness to the world according to the Word and Holy Spirit.
Has someone done something like this for you?