When we watch TV, our minds are so often being filled with things that are not true, things not honorable, or giving testimony to our Lord. When we watch these programs, we are making our minds weak and susceptible to anxious thoughts when we are away from the television that rules so many lives.
I came away from TV after coming to the Lord Jesus realizing the power of persuasion. The Devil doesn’t want us strong in the Word of God. He desires we live outside the instructions it holds and not leave the things of this world behind to concentrate all our weight on where Jesus is residing in heaven, a place waiting for those who believe in His name. Understanding isn’t something we turn on an off like a tap, but something we can do in the most simple of tasks. I can have communion with my Lord all the time, no matter the small job I’m doing like watering my pot plants. It’s our witness that matters to Jesus. What we are teaching others when words are not being spoken, and the understanding we display amongst the unseen spiritual forces of wickedness in this world.

What happened to the Israelites in the desert was written down in God’s word as an example to us – 1 Corinthians 10:1-6. The Israelites craved things that they had left behind. God was angry at their perspective. We are not to think we are missing out if we forgo TV, which portrays the ignorance of the knowledge of God and a life in slavery to the Devil. People might not understand your choice, but the spiritual forces of wickedness will be disappointed that they have missed the opportunity to weaken your mind and distract you from thinking heavenly where Christ, our Lord is seated.

I love spring, and eating my lunch outside today, I cherished all my spring flowers popping their heads upright in their glory. It’s such a short time we have here on this earth. Our beauty is like a fading flower, and as I looked at these spring flowers with the neighbor’s TV being heard over the fence, I pondered how I want to give all my time left to finish my race and complete the tasks the Lord Jesus has given me. As Paul stated in Acts 20:24 – “the task of testifying the good news of God’s grace.” There isn’t time to waste. God has things for us to do, and we must keep our minds sober and alert so we can pray. We can’t do any of these things by ourselves, but according to God in regard to the Spirit. (1 Peter 4:6-7)
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things. – Philippines 4:8 NIV
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