“The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death” – Proverbs 14:27.
“Turning a person,” I noted this today in my Quiet Time with the Lord Jesus. To have a fear of the Lord Jesus turns us in the direction of “a fountain of life.”
The book of Proverbs is full of reminders to possess the fear of the Lord. To fear the Lord Jesus in conflict with others, in peace of mind, in all circumstances because we steer ourselves a miss. Our human compass leads to destruction. And, it is weak against the Devil’s divisive tactics, leading us to stay on his path. But to have a fear of the Lord Jesus turns us away and is a fountain of life.
So, whatever decision you need to make today, sieve it through the fear of the Lord Jesus. Will your responses or actions contain a fear of the Lord? The fear of disobeying His commands to turn the other cheek, take the insults or be a servant of all; a slave to God. We, as Christians, don’t belong to ourselves. The blood of Christ purchased us to be “a kingdom and priests to serve His God and Father” (Revelation 1:6). That kingdom and service in that reign is in reflection of Him! – the new life that sets us apart, governed by the fear of the Lord producing a fountain of life. But if people are experiencing bickering, fighting, hate, criticism, and resentment, there is no love of God flowing forth. No fountain of life. Or if we are running around pursuing our dreams and hopes, we also have lost focus.
Where is Jesus turning us away from? Proverbs 14:27 reveals the answer – from “the snares of death.” To have a fear of the Lord Jesus leads to a reliance on Jesus Christ, which, my friend, is a friendship with eternal life.
The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death.”
Proverbs 14:27 NIV

I chose this image for this post because trees are a great picture of the longevity of life and blessings. A tree stands against the changing seasons. And a gift because it gives shade and provides refuge for birds and animals. Its roots aerate the soil and provide a place for animals to shelter underground from rain. A tree represents the picture of a person in love with God’s ways and abiding by His word. Psalm 1 gives this picture.
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